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I don’t know if you have heard of the saying, “Thy food is thy medicine, thy medicine is thy food.” Or “Your body is a temple.” Both sayings come from the Bible technically. But even if it is not a book you incorporate into your life. I believe these sayings are significant to embrace in your life. Here’s why…

Your Body is your temple.

If you think about life, you will only receive the body you currently have. We are not in a robot society where you can upload your conscience into a new metal body. So, if you treat your body like a disposable thing, it will break down faster than anyone would like. I want you to live life to the fullest and be very long. Therefore, we cannot be reckless with our bodies. We must treat them like they are our house or something extremely precious to ourselves. 

Today we are going to talk about the nutrition factor. That is where the saying, “Let thy medicine be thy food,” Comes into play.

You will be at your best when you eat to empower your body by giving it the valuable building blocks to grow and repair. You will have more energy, fewer aches, and mobility than you ever thought you could. 

Most of us eat the Standard American Diet (The SAD diet), mainly prepackaged foods or fast foods. But unfortunately, the SAD diet riddles our bodies with diseases. These issues affect our sleep and how we interact with the outside world (Our tribe) and cause mental health issues we face every day. No one wants to be riddled with a disease where we must take medications. We want to be able to recharge at night so that we can conquer the next day with energy, full of focus, and full of life. We don’t want our self-doubt or how the world sees us hold us back from our dreams. No one truly wants to suffer through a mental illness like depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, or any other mental stronghold. 

Eating right is one way to heal many of these obstacles and enable the body to heal and grow to become more resilient to many of the issues we face daily. 

The SAD diet consists of mostly eating prepackaged foods instead of whole food. 

SAD Diet examples are:

  • Oreos
  • Prepackaged vegan burgers. 
  • Chips
  • Fast-food
  • And more

These are all good for treats or transitioning. But should not make up your complete diet. 

Are you may be asking how do you eat to acquire optimum health?

Will let me tell you… it is simple. 

The answer is eating what is grown out of our soil. It is called a whole food plant-based diet. 

Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) Foods are:

  • Veggies
  • Fruits
  • Beans or legumes
  • Nuts and Seeds
  • And more. 

Did you notice that all the foods listed above are what most people know they should eat but are thought of as sides around the big turkey or the hunk of meat? 

Better yet, did you notice that meat, dairy, and eggs are not listed in that list?

Let me tell you why!

The first thing I want to bring to the front of your mindset is that most of the items on the news for outbreaks of food illnesses are from dairy, meat, and eggs. You can’t heal if you are already poisoning yourself. 

Second, I want to point out that those are DEAD products when consumed. 

You are what you eat; if you eat something dead, you will kill something in your body. 

Plants are alive, so they give life. They heal, grow, and rebuild. If you dig up a plant, you can replant it, and it will thrive if given the right about of oxygen, water, and sunlight for it to succeed. 

You cannot regrow the animal that you murdered. You cannot heal the soiled milk or eggs. 

Third, for the meat, dairy, or eggs to make it onto our plate, they have a lot of outside influences and factors involved in the process. 

The animals can’t be sick, so they are given many antibiotics. They are what they eat, so their bodies are filled with those antibiotics. Then we ingest their bodies, or that comes from them; now we have those antibiotics in our bodies. 

When we get sick now, our bodies are already resistant to antibiotics, so they do not work efficiently on us anymore. In conclusion, many of our illnesses are becoming more resistant to antibiotics making it hard or even impossible for us to heal from some things. 

In addition, animal by-products riddle us with diseases. Meat, eggs, and dairy have been linked to heart diseases, blood cholesterol, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions. 

Dairy and eggs have been linked to allergies, skin rashes, and lung issues. 

In addition, animal protein is very acidic to the diet but plant based foods and protein are alkaline to the body. I am going to break this into the terms of how I absorbed the importance of this factor when I learned this. 

Main question I have for you, would you drink acid? 

I think the answer would be a big fat NO. If you drank acid, it would literally damage your body from inside you very fast. Animal products do the same thing but slowly. So why are you putting acidic animal products into your body. 

Plants on the other hand are alkaline which our body prefers. Our body use the alkalinity to heal and create an environment that promotes growth and strength. The body can heal by eating a plant-based diet. You will be about to fight off the chemicals and environmental hazards that you encounter every day. You will be plentiful with energy, flawless skin, and fewer aches and pains from what has ailed you in the past.

You may have heard of people eating a plant-based diet cures cancer or healing their bodies from other diseases. Will, it is true. So much scientific data and studies have proven this to be true. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want more information about the effects of eating animal by-products, some resources are:

WFPB Books:

China Study

Whole: Rethinking the science of nutrition

The Future of Food

Forks over Knives

In Defense of Food

Plant Over Processed

Food As Medicine

The Great Plantbased Con

Happy Hormone

Fiber Fueled


A Plant Based Life

Healing the Vegan Way

Food: Life’s Gift for healing

How Not to Die

How Not to Diet

Dr. Sebi’s Akaline and Anti-inflammitory Diet

Mind Food: Plant Based

The Plant Based Althlete

Plant Powered Families

Eating Plant based: Your Scientific Answers to nutrition

72 Reasons to be Vegan

Ageless Vegan

Cure Your Child With Food

Plant Based Beauty

Eat Well Live Well

The Starch Solution

Masterwing Diabetes

Green Print

WFPB Movies:

Game Changers

Forks over Knives

Eating Animals

Live and Let Live

Maximum Tolerated Dose


What the Health



H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters

Eating You Alive

Running for Good

The Invisible Vegan

The End of Meat

Free Solo

Diet Fiction

The Big Fat Lie

Slice of Life

Racing Extinction

Food, Inc.

Meet Your Meat

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

The Farm In My Backyard

Hungry for Justice

For the Birds

Deadly Dairy

Learn More about How to Be Come WFPB:

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